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EBOOK:  5 Reasons Your Business Needs Office 365 Today

EBOOK: 5 Reasons Your Business Needs Office 365 Today

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You have probably been using Microsoft Office for a long time, but have you seen what you are missing out on with Office 365? It makes work so much easier. If you’ve been putting off the switch to Office 365…
Why Periodic Security Assessments Should Be Your New Normal

Why Periodic Security Assessments Should Be Your New Normal

By now you know that building up your cyber security is just as important as building up your cash flow. Both are essential to your success, but while most businesses keep an eye on the financials, they tend to think…
Should You Let an Amateur Loose on Your Network?

Should You Let an Amateur Loose on Your Network?

Most of us know a fair amount about computers, even kids are joining circuits and coding programs in schools – but that does that make everyone an IT expert? It’s fair to say almost all workplaces have that employee who…
Why Your Business Needs Unified Threat Management

Why Your Business Needs Unified Threat Management

Sounds scary doesn’t it? Almost like a swat team dressed in black is going to swing in and start yelling orders. While just as effective at disabling the bad guys, Unified Threat Management (UTM) is a special kind of IT…
Should You Pay for a Ransomware Attack?

Should You Pay for a Ransomware Attack?

Getting hit with a ransomware attack is never fun, your files get encrypted by cybercriminals and you’re left having to decide: should we pay to get them back? It’s a scene that’s played out across the world with 70% of…
Shopping for a New Computer?

Shopping for a New Computer?

It’s a decision that comes with equal doses of excitement and overwhelm: getting a new computer! Unlike popping out to the shops for a new toaster, choosing the right computer comes with so many questions, most of which are usually…
What’s Best for Your Computer: Shut Down or Sleep?

What’s Best for Your Computer: Shut Down or Sleep?

Most homes are trying to reduce power costs by turning off lights and appliances, but do the same rules apply to computers? After all, it requires more than flicking a switch on your way out the door. Some people believe…