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Your Antivirus May Be Letting You Down

Your Antivirus May Be Letting You Down

ALERT: Your Antivirus May Be Letting You Down The best way to avoid a computer virus is by using common sense, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be safe from attack. Even the most careful user can find themselves infected in…
Security Patches - The Better Way to Update

Security Patches - The Better Way to Update

Updates often come at the worst moment. You go to shut down your laptop to rush to a meeting, and you get a “Windows is updating. Do not power off” message. Argh! Or you leave your desktop to go to…
The Dark Web and Its Impact on Your Business

The Dark Web and Its Impact on Your Business

Business owners today know the internet is not only a force for good. Some people exploit the Web for ill intent. They congregate on the Dark Web, and small businesses need to understand the risks. What is the Dark Web?…
Does Mesh Wi-Fi Make Sense in Your Home?

Does Mesh Wi-Fi Make Sense in Your Home?

Wi-Fi is a top contender for a technology most of us rely upon. After all, Wi-Fi often provides our wireless high-speed internet and network connections. Without Wi-Fi we’d be stuck watching another reality TV show on a cable-connected device. We…
7 Bonuses For Small Business In Microsoft 365

7 Bonuses For Small Business In Microsoft 365

7 Bonuses for Small Business in Microsoft 365 You’ve seen all the ads for Microsoft 365. They’re popping up on your desktop, your employees are sending you meaningful looks, and clearly, it’s not going away. You’ve probably even jumped online…
11 Reasons To Upgrade To Microsoft 365 Today

11 Reasons To Upgrade To Microsoft 365 Today

With Microsoft 365, it seems common sense has finally prevailed, giving business the changes they actually want. It’s still Office, and your staff will still know exactly how to work it, but they’ll get so much more done. 1. The…
Failure is Not an Option: Getting Rid of Single Points of Failure

Failure is Not an Option: Getting Rid of Single Points of Failure

You might think that your business is going to be OK even if a single device goes down. After all, there are other devices your people can use. It’s not as if the entire system is going to fall like…
Why You Need Professional Virus Removal

Why You Need Professional Virus Removal

“Your computer has a virus.” Such a dreaded five words! We don’t want to come down with a human virus; we’ll feel awful and miss work. But when a virus hits our computer, we could lose valuable information or be…
Locking Up Cybersecurity with a Managed Services Provider

Locking Up Cybersecurity with a Managed Services Provider

Cybercrime is not the most costly of illegal activities. That dubious distinction goes to government corruption, followed by drug trafficking. Cybercrime comes in third. Yet cybercrime does take the top spot when it comes to numbers of victims. A managed…
Handle with Care: Sending Data Securely

Handle with Care: Sending Data Securely

In our digital economy, we send and receive information quickly online. The Internet offers immediate communication with colleagues, clients, vendors, and other strategic partners. Yet we shouldn’t prioritize convenience over data security. What data do you send in a day’s…
Island Hopping: Not Always a Good Thing

Island Hopping: Not Always a Good Thing

The phrase “island hopping” conjures up positive images. You might think of cruising beautiful sandy beaches on a tour of tropical islands. Too bad cybercriminals have given the term a new, less pleasant spin. Island hopping is an increasingly popular…
Is Your Physical Security as Good As Your Cybersecurity?

Is Your Physical Security as Good As Your Cybersecurity?

Headlines are often made by firms that have been hacked by “elite” cybercriminals. These events sound high tech, sophisticated, and interesting. The truth is almost always an amateur attacker chancing their luck with an unpatched security hole or bad password.…